Manifest With Monica
Monica has written a 7 step self-help book, Inner Being In Balance, for discovering how to be in balance with your true authentic self. Using the 7 principles of the word BALANCE, the book will guide you on how to use these 7 steps and to properly align with the universe that loves you, and help your inner being to be more in balance with your intentions and desires. By using the exercises and daily habits discussed in the book and her courses, you can apply the easy and simple techniques, to literally manifest the life of your dreams

I Am A Successful Entrepreneur, Mother, Wife And Licensed ‘Heal Your Life’ Leader
I hold weekly training sessions in mindset and accountability to help others achieve their goals and love their life.
My goal with writing my book, Inner Being in Balance, and through presenting workshops and playshops and courses, based on the 7 principles of Manifesting Success in Life, Business and Beyond, is to help others change their lives! Please register for Course Membership Online Today…

Get The Book And Choose Your Course
By using the exercises and daily habits discussed in the book and these courses, you can apply the easy and simple techniques, to literally manifest the life of your dreams.

22 Day Balance Challenge
By applying the B.A.L.A.N.C.E Principles in My book, Inner Being in Balance, every day for the next 22 days, you will be practicing Believing in yourself…

Inner Being In Balance
Coming Soon!

Inner Being In Balance
– By Monica W. Graves
Inner Being In Balance is a seven-step self-help book, for discovering how to be in balance with your true authentic self.
Monica Graves